Without question, Autumn is my favorite time of the year. I love everything about it…falling temperatures and falling leaves; pumpkins, mums, apple cider – all of it!
I’m one of those rare people who prefers cold temperatures over the heat. While I certainly enjoy the benefits of summer – longer days and more time outside, I can’t help but feel a thrill when I know that fall is around the corner.
I’ve always said that it’s more fun to warm up when it’s cold outside (sitting by a fireplace, bundling up under a fuzzy blanket, cuddling with a loved one) than to cool off during hot weather (short of jumping in a pool or sticking your face in front of a high powered fan, your options are more limited).
One of the best ways to warm up when it’s getting cooler outside, is to enjoy a hot, preferably spiced, drink. So, our September Magic of the Month features some delicious drinks to take off the chill and put warmth in your heart. I did include a couple of cold drinks as well, just to be fair!
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